CRank: 5Score: 2220

This is google:
Their Market Cap is strong, but according to Annual Reports, it still never reaches MS's Market Cap High.
Infact the closest they have gotten all year is HALF. Half is great, though. Also, please remember that MS share count is over 8 billion, in comparison to Googles which is around 314 million. This is why it is more expensive to buy Goog...

5696d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

No scrambling needed. Unlike you and most of the morons on N4G, I have a job. I cant sit around my grandmother basement all afternoon, hitting the refresh button.

I have done my OWN comparison, in my own home, where I can natively study all the details in real time.
Im sorry you dont have the money to do the same. My advice? Get a job.

5696d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never liked playing it on the N64, and I prolly wont like playing it now.
But its nice to see that MS has something to offer children, and those young at heart.
LBP is nice, but lets face it guys, what else has Sony offered "kids" after 2 years?
And Shovelware doesn't count. And yes, FBI, "Barbie Adventures" is shovelware.

5696d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The 360 version has better depth of color, and the lighting was better. The textures looked better, but that was just because the lighting was better(you could see more of them). It even had a darker "feel" to it, which is exactly how I want my game playing experience to be with Fallout3. the PS3 version seemed a little choppy, but that could just be the video. it also seemed "soft" like with lighting....almost blurry. The best version? The highend PC version...thats true...

5696d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

IGN was the source. And Im sure we can all trust IGN. Um, PS3 doesn't natively do Anti-liasing.
Sorry but it doesn't.
And yes the PS3 has less-popins an shorter load times, but you also have installs. Enjoy those.

5696d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never thought IGN could be
I suppose they have had this pitched to them a thousand times on their forums.
Engadget and Gizmodo, not only think the NXE is great---but they have spent MORE time with it.
They also have A LOT more experience in HD A/V, which is more than I'm willing to say about IGN. They are almost as bad as N4G. Net...

5697d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

This comparison was great! Res2 isnt really all that. The colors are improved, and the lighting is REALLY improved. But textures are still flat, dull, and under-detailed. The modeling and graphics are the same. The game seems to flow smoother, but the movement speed is just ramped up slightly. Im not saying its a bad game, but anyone who thinks this game looks better than GEARS OF WAR 1, is a dumb@$$. Even the environments had more detail in Gears1. And Gears2 is leaps and bounds ahead of thi...

5697d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

But thats something everyone prolly figured out about you with your first initial posts.
Anyway, saying the game will look better on PS3, is HILARIOUS, since its NEVER worked out that way before(And certainly not with ANY of the games youve stated).

Just b/c you've said something, doesn't make it true.

And do you know where TRUE Hi-Def even begins?
Start there, and when you realize what a stupid comment youve made, you can apologize to your parents for be...

5697d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

but not whole-heartedly. Saints Row 2 is multiplatform. But does anyone care? Notice there was no uproar of 360 fanboys who cried when multiplatorm was announced for SR2. Now Halo "4", thats something thats "exclusive" and would be a "smack-in-the-face" to 360 fanboys. 360 has plenty of exclusives that matter, and so far, none of them have become multiplatform. Besides, more than likely(based on history) the multiplatform games will look better on 360---and that...

5697d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No kiddie-killin. I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
I mean, any game that gives a free-roaming, anything-goes type of world is awesome, ---BUT should there be limits. I say no. But I can see where limits are something we can all benefit from.

5697d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Prime Example: FF13.

Nothing is ever exclusive: this seems to be somewhat of a golden rule with Sony.
BUT ITS THE MAN WITH THE MOST GOLD, that makes the golden rules.
For those of you not bright enough to catch on: Money = exclusivity.
And MS has A LOT more money that SONY, like 7-8 times over.

5697d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Now, if they could only find a way to remove me from the "Republican Ticket" this election....

5697d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are ALWAYS appreciated.

5697d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment


5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To see people thinking the xbox360 should be on here.
I dont know. I mean I can see where people would say that.
Truthfully, its only flaw was the RRoD. But as I have stated soooo many times before, it you CANT go a few days without playing your console---you might have a problem. Anywho, the RRoD isnt a problem anymore. Not one that is common enough to b*tch about anyway. Sure, I dont doubt that it still happens to a few 360 owners, but no more than PS3 owners whose systems bri...

5698d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um. This movie is gonna be good if your a fan of dragonball. And fox hasnt messed up ANYTHING lately. With the new slew of movies they have coming out(including the new terminator movies), they have nothing but moo-lah coming their way.

5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Evolving into a SERVICE PROVIDER? Well, its about time Sony started EVOLVING, period.

Good job Sony, you finally get it.

Now explain to me where you lost your sense of direction---some where between PS2 and PS3 i'm guessing? Glad you could join the rest of the class.

5698d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry FBI. I just thought I would stop by here, and see who was caught in the "nerd trap". You see, you shouldnt be running to your local gamestop to pick up women. I just wanted to see who took this P.O.S. article seriously. lol. Apparently 90% of N4G readers haven't made it to this one yet.

5698d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

youd know that companies are under NO obligation to report ACCURATE sales reports to the GENERAL public. Only to share holders and the IRS. Ask your Economics Teacher.

5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just dont care to. The whole zombie theme is everywhere right now. Give it some time---someone will do it.

5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment